Psalm 16:11

You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

We value joy. As individuals and as an organization, we want our lives to be characterized by joy. Joy not happiness. This is an important distinction. Happiness is circumstantial and fleeting. It is based on moods and whims. Joy, on the other hand, is constant in spite of circumstance. Joy is a result of fullness in Christ.

It easy to be joyful in the summer seasons, the seasons full of bounty and life. But, even in the darkest and driest of times, we can walk in joy because we have assurance that God is faithful. There is an unmistakable connection between the faithfulness of God and our joy. If God is not faithful in difficult times, then we have no reason to fight for joy in the tough seasons, but because He is faithful and desires good for us, we can struggle forward in joy. We are assured that even in the desert God will speak tenderly to us. (Hos. 2:14)

The term we use to express this mindset is Joy in the Journey.

This means that we should trudge forth in joy regardless of where we are. We may be in a trying season or a season with much waiting and anticipation where contentment is nearly impossible.

Regardless, we should still have joy in the day that God has given us. He has given us every moment for a purpose and desires good for us in those moments, so we should desire nothing but to be obedient and enjoy the journey that we are on with Him. Our world is built on anticipation and if we are not careful, we can slip into that trap as well. We need to be people of contentment and joy because whatever we are in the midst of, it is something that can be used for our good.

We value joy because we want everything in our lives, even the toughest of times, to testify to the faithfulness of God and we are assured of the faithfulness of God by the cross of Christ. Joy flows from the cross.